
i have not deserted you

i promise

i have just been so happy lately
there doesn't seem to be much to whine about here.

i do have to ponder a few things here today, though.
some things i just realized last night.

i know how i would feel if i knew my love was snuggling with someone else,
and i understand how doubt can creep in a ruin relationships in such a big way
even if there is no reason to doubt.

what i don't know is how my love would feel about the same situation . . .

now, let me back up a little so that i make sense.

i am a very physical person with the people i care about.
i hug, kiss, hold, and generally touch them a lot.
they sit in my lap.
i have no interest in sex with anyone but the one i'm with
and even then, i could do with out and still love him just as much
(i'd probably be a frustrated bitch to everyone but him, but i could do it)
i just have friends i'm very comfortable with.

i talked to naked-drunk-boy last night and realized
the only times i could ever see him are in the middle of the night
and he shows up and curls up with me and we talk.
we have never been more than friends despite a brief fling
and he is very serious about his lady of almost two years now
so there is no chance in hell either of us would consider anything . . .

but sometimes
how things look
how they make another feel
are all that matter
and i would not do anything to hurt him

he matters to me too much to treat his feelings lightly.

and he inspires many new habits every day.

eighteen written 2001-07-11
