
i love him more every moment

and he leaves me speechless

when i look into the soft, new-spring-leaf colored eyes
i can't speak.

the only thing that pops out of my mouth is the simple truth
~ "i love you" ~
in a whisper

when he lowers his thick dark lashes and looks at me like i'm dinner
my stomach quivers and my whole being turns into heavy warm liquid
i am lost.

he is so perfect in so many ways
~ perfect for me ~
that i hold my breath when i sneak looks at him
and i smile like an idiot if he is near.

sometimes i look around for him when i start smiling like that
he's always near.

i can't compare him to anyone i have ever met
they'd all seem pale and lacking.

he is proof positive of limewater's theory that it's the emotions that count.

there is nothing he could ask or suggest that i would not try
and i trust him completely
~ despite my personal past experiences ~

i read random thoughts of his

i think he is beautiful

i can't stop myself from touching him when he is near

i would crawl into his skin to feel closer if i could

i would look from his eyes just to see what he sees when he sees me

i have to smile and laugh when i'm near him so i don't cry from the weight of all i feel

when he handles me so gently and sweetly,
i sometimes feel like i need to hurt
to somehow pay for this beauty
to have something to compare it to so i never forget or take it for granted.

i finally asked him what he wanted last night

his answer was simple.

he said, "you."

and then i proceeded to break apart into a million pieces
and feel things i have never even heard of . . .

thirtytwo written 2001-08-22
