

are very fragile

and one of them feels like i stepped on her today.

i didn't mean to.

i write about the things in my head.

some times the things i see and hear and discuss and experience make me think.
i am human
that is normal.

sometimes i imagine all the small things in life and how one little thing can tilt it all into chaos
i'll write about that.

some times i just feel like shit and i'm depressed and hate myself and everyone around me.
i'll write about that, too.

maybe i'll talk to one of you and a phrase will set me to thinking . . .
i'll post an entry on my thoughts and how that question or phrase affected me
this in no way means i think i could do things better than you

you have a life.
you may read me to love and understand me
you may read me to hear some nutcase babble a different view
you may read me to pass the time rather than stab your eyes out for boredom

i don't care.

i write to think and i think a lot.

i write to see what i have written
and look at it later and see where my flaws and foibles are.
i write to express who i am
and hopefully, better understand myself.

this is not a forum for "i think so-and-so is a big fuckup"
nor will it become one.

as i said not to long ago,
in the same conversation that stuck with me and spawned my last entry,
i don't have morals ~ they're too {weak?}
i have rules ~ they know no mercy.

so, truth be told, my sweet darling, i was not discussing your personal situation;
i took a subject that made me think of past, present, and possibilities and i posted on it.
in my position of listener, i know many many things that are not fodder for my public diary.
i take the faces and names off of them, on occasion,
and discuss the abstract of them here.

if i didn't trust, love, respect, admire, and accept you . . .
you wouldn't know where this is.

three written 2001-06-10
